We found 10 episodes of Choose Linux with the tag “linux”.
21: KaOS + How We Install Software
October 31st, 2019 | 29 mins 3 secs
appimage, aur, copr, discovery, flatpak, foss, it's okay to be new, jupiter broadcasting, kaos, kde, linux, podcast, ppa, snap, software, webapp
There are numerous ways to install software on a modern Linux system and we each have a different approach.
20: Single Board Computers
October 17th, 2019 | 26 mins 17 secs
banana pi, discovery, foss, it's okay to be new, jupiter broadcasting, linux, orange pi, pine64, podcast, raspberry pi, raspbian, rock64, rockpro64, sbc, single board computers
We are joined by special guest Chz who is a long-time user of single board computers to talk about how we use boards like the Raspberry Pi, Orange Pi, and ROCKPro64.
19: Android-x86 + First Steps into the Cloud
October 3rd, 2019 | 28 mins 13 secs
android, android-x86, aws, cloud, digitalocean, discovery, distrohoppers, foss, headless, it's okay to be new, jupiter broadcasting, linode, linux, mobile, plex, podcast, self-hosting, server, ssh, wordpress
We have three different approaches to using the cloud, so we discuss various ways to expand your Linux knowledge beyond the desktop.
18: Introducing New People to Linux
September 19th, 2019 | 31 mins 7 secs
choice, converting, discovery, fedora, foss, it's okay to be new, jupiter broadcasting, korora, laptop, linux, podcast, ram, success, switching, thinkpad, ubuntu, xubuntu
There's lots to consider when setting someone up with Linux for the first time. User needs and expectations, distro choice, hardware, and so much more.
17: Hardware hacking basics, Slackel + OSCAR
September 5th, 2019 | 29 mins 45 secs
arduino, badgy, cpap, discovery, distrohoppers, foss, hardware hacking, it's okay to be new, jupiter broadcasting, linux, oscar, podcast, slackel, slackware, sleep tracking
Getting into hardware hacking with Arduino, and analysing sleep data from CPAP machines.
16: PCLinuxOS + Hugo
August 22nd, 2019 | 30 mins 1 sec
css, discovery, distrohoppers, foss, html, hugo, it's okay to be new, jupiter broadcasting, linux, pclinuxos, plasma, podcast, static, website
We check out a great tool for learning web development basics, and Distrohoppers brings us mixed experiences.
15: OBS Studio + Endless OS
August 8th, 2019 | 30 mins 46 secs
discovery, distrohoppers, endless os, flac, foss, gnome, it's okay to be new, jupiter broadcasting, linux, obs, obs studio, ostree, podcast, soundrecorder
Distrohoppers delivers a distro that divides us, and we check out the streaming and recording software OBS Studio.
14: Endeavour OS + Pisi Linux
July 25th, 2019 | 25 mins 46 secs
android, antergos, arch, cats, discovery, distrohoppers, endeavour os, foss, it's okay to be new, jupiter broadcasting, linux, newpipe, pisi linux, podcast, xfce, youtube
We take a look at the continuation of Antergos called Endeavour OS and are pretty impressed, and Distrohoppers delivers an interesting distro that's obsessed with cats.
13: Qubes OS + Plex vs Kodi
July 11th, 2019 | 27 mins 58 secs
discovery, distrohoppers, foss, it's okay to be new, jupiter broadcasting, kodi, linux, plex, podcast, qubes os, samba
Distrohoppers brings us a fascinating distro where every application runs in its own VM. Plus Drew and Joe disagree on the best media solution.
12: Regolith, Rosa, and Antsy Alien Attack
June 27th, 2019 | 27 mins 10 secs
arcade, bash, discovery, distrohoppers, foss, game, gnome, i3, linux, podcast, regolith, rosa, screen recorder, ubuntu
Two new hosts join Joe to talk about a nice i3 implementation, and an amazing arcade game written in Bash.